August 2012
Retained Worley Parsons Resources and Energy as Independent Engineers to conduct a pre-feasibility study for an EcoGold/EcoCopper commercial demonstration plant. Capital and operating costs were obtained for a 100,000 tpa plant.
June 2013
Negotiations commenced with a listed public company to build a commercial EcoTech plant.
July 2014
GHD Pty Ltd produce a 10,000 tpa Demonstration Plant Concept Study.
January 2015
The EcoTech Pilot Plant was successfully relocated to, and commissioned at, the AMML laboratories in West Gosford.
March 2015
EcoTech Mining Pty Limited sign an MoU with Blackham Resources Ltd to work on the treatment of refractory Wiluna ore. The ASX announcement may be viewed in this PDF.
June 2019
Joined with AMML Pty Ltd and The University of Newcastle to research a two stage process to recover both gold and antimony from refractory ores.
November 2019
Succesfully applied to AusIndustry for a $100k Innovations Connections Grant for the Au-Sb research.